Provide cool, comfortable, fresh air to your employees without having to air condition your entire facility.
What is Spot Cooling?
In the industrial world, everything depends on the smooth production of sellable goods. In summer months, heat can become a factor in the health of production line workers, especially those factories where production machinery generates heat, adding to the potential for heat related illnesses. For years, plant managers have struggled with the problem of how to adequately cool their workers economically without breaking their companies bank on huge, ineffcient cooling systems. The solution: spot cooling with the Unico System.
Spot cooling is a process that delivers conditioned air directly to a production line worker. Unico System’s 2″ inner diameter supply tubing allows the conditioned air to be delivered to the immediate area surrounding a factory worker, without the need to cool the entire room that the worker is in. In other words, spot cooling allows you to cool the employee without the cost of cooling the entire factory.
Features & Benefits
Customized for each facility’s specific needs
Decreases level of humidity
Easy to install; economical to purchase and run
One year warranty on all parts
Provides cooling in countless applications

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